This is particularly true when it falls along the lines of organized religion.
One must have "faith" something told to them is true without one single shred of proof of any of it. Then you must accept the particular version of what is being told is true while ignoring the reality what is being told follows a very familiar script of miracles, prophecy, so-called "anointed" people who somehow manage to speak to the deity directly (again without a shred of proof).
Then you must accept this totally not made up deity wants you to behave a certain way to receive a promised reward or face a promised punishment all conveniently unverifiable.
All of this has to be indoctrinated into children at the beginning of understanding because obviously anyone who understands logic and reason first is pretty much assured of never accepting any of it for obvious reasons.
The hazard to all of this is it devalues critical thinking and conditions people to readily accept nonsense. It's not a coincidence there's a lot of intersection between the GQP and ultra religious belief in much the same way we see other oppressive regimes built on a foundation of theocracy. If you can convince someone you speak for the almighty, you can get them to accept pretty much anything regardless of how much it goes against their own self interest. That same recipe is as old as time and we still can't manage to learn from it.