Political Evangelical Calls For ‘War’ Against ‘Pagan Onslaught Imposing Homosexual Marriage’ [View all]
The man tasked by top Republicans like Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul when vying for the GOP presidential nomination to endear them with Americas Evangelicals, has just published an op-ed demanding his followers Wage war to restore a Christian America. This is the third op-ed David Lane whose work is primarily funded by the American Family Association has written for World Net Daily. WND is home to other hate group members, like Bradlee Dean, and to the likes of Rick Santorum.
Where are the champions of Christ to save the nation from the pagan onslaught imposing homosexual marriage, homosexual scouts, 60 million babies done to death by abortion and red ink as far as the eye can see on America?, Lane, head of AFAs American Renewal Project asks. Who will wage war for the Soul of America and trust the living God to deliver the pagan gods into our hands and restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage and re-establish a Christian culture?