I suspect Dion Fortune might say, as she did in 'The Mystical Qabalah,' that we are in a Geburah phase, where the corporate corruption has been so bad, that the expansion has lost its balance, and the Warrior King, as Fortune calls the Geburah force, will need to take up the sword of righteousness and clear away the dross.
In a sense, as my dear friend Dan points out, we may have needed the Trump presidency to shake away the complacency, expose the ugliness of white supremacy and corporate greed to the light of the sun. But, as he also points out, Trump is just charismatic enough to win again in 2020, while Pence cannot stand against an articulate Democrat. Trump must be removed from office through Amendment 25 or impeachment and trial in the Senate.
Other editorials I've read suggest we may be in the early process of destroying the American Empire and re-birthing the American Republic.
I do agree with the letter. We cannot sit silently while our nation's potential for good slides down the slope of unrestrained capitalism into the abyss of blood, violence, hunger and revolution. We must resist on all levels.
Trump is an Empty One, soulless. An anti-Christ in the real spiritual sense of that term. He has enlisted other Empty Ones in his administration - wreckers who are literally hell-bent on tearing apart our moral, social and economic fabric. They go against all tenets of good, light and human decency.
Trump is a warrior of darkness. Evil thoughts and deeds grow in the path he has trodden like black mold. I believe there are dark lodges that are very, very powerful who are supporting this band of wreckers.
Blind they are, though, because their greedy quest is based on the two great illusions that have plagued humankind throughout history - wealth and power.
All that said, my friend, I don't do binding spells because of my own values concerning white, gray and black magic. Instead, my efforts are supporting Mueller and his investigation, and promoting in all ways possible, at all levels and in all planes, the emergence of the light of truth around just how evil and corrupt this administration is. This is my way of supporting the metaphysical resistance effort - my own 'magical battle for America.'
When I despair, because these are not fun times, and millions are experiencing Trump-related stress, anxiety and depression, I remember the legend of the Phoenix. This is what we must ensure, that what arises from the ashes is better than what was destroyed. So we endure and resist, all in our own way.