Kate has passed [View all]
From her dear friend Nance:
Hello dear family. Our dear sweet Kate ascended into the Light at 2:20 AM this morning. Brad was by her side.
At 2 AM her body became very agitated and her moans grew louder. The nurse had just left her room when Brad took her hand to comfort her. Suddenly her moans stopped and her breathing changed. Brad felt her spirit lift out of her body and just before her small last breath she said, "Bye. Bye. Bye."
At that moment in my home over a thousand miles away I had taken a break from the vigil and was watching the news. I heard a popping sound and the tv screen went black. Shortly these words appeared on the screen: "Weak signal. No Signal. Transmission will resume after reboot." These were words I had never seen when the cable would go out in the past.
Was it Kate? I sat down to send Light. Three minutes later the phone rang. It was Brad.
We might think that a great Light has left the earth. But in reality that Light remains within the hearts of every person Kate ever met. She was a teacher and healer. She transformed all that she touched with her Light and Love and her Wisdom. She was a Master Being walking this earth in service of the Divine Plan. She walked the Beauty Walk here on Earth to show us the way. She is not gone. She has changed Cosmic Address.
Please pray for her soul and for Brad, her brothers and her friends. Please give thanks for having known her.
My dear friends, Kate has made some contact with Brad and me. Perhaps she has with some of you. If so, please share. I will do so later.
Thank you all for your Divine Service on her behalf.
I am very tired right now. Brad and I talked on the phone for hours after Kate passed. I will write more later.
Blessings, Nance
(Thanks to all of you for your energy and sentiments, Rick
Leaving on the tsquare to Uranus in Aries, right between Kate's Sun and Moon, means she is liberated.)
Also, notice today, the first cloning of a human stem cell - no coincidence