About a couple of months ago a nice gentleman of eighty started making friends with me at the gym. Our conversations, me on the treadmill and him on a stationery bicycle, led to him asking me out for breakfast. Well, I'm soon to be 72 so I thought, why not? I've been sitting at home with my cat ever since my husband died. However, the logistics of how this "date" was going to come about started getting complicated. He suggested we go to a movie too. Yes, we have matinees in the morning in my burg, so I thought to myself, I guess this is senior citizen dating. You go home by 2 in the afternoon, for your nap I guess.
However, when I tried to get a telephone number from him or give him mine, he made an excuse about being in between changing numbers and didn't write mine down saying he would remember. I got suspicious and immediately asked him if he was married. He said he was, but that it wasn't what I thought. He was just trying to fix up one of his grown sons, a widower, with a date. Well, I told him I wasn't interested in having breakfast with him and I didn't think his wife would appreciate him having breakfast with a strange woman. I also told him that I was sure his son could find his own dates and I was way to old for him anyway. Fine for the time being.
However, he sneaks up behind me to say hello and it makes me jumpy. He follows me around telling me how cute I am and that he wishes I'd change my mind. Now he's really coming across to me as an old lech, but I don't want to be rude to him. This is a small community and it seems he's quite wealthy from what I have been able to find out. I don't think it would be a smart thing for me to do. I know I will keep running into him and quite honestly don't know how to handle this in keeping him at a distance without causing some unwanted fall out.