I'm so happy for you, Orleans. And especially so after reading this last post, to which I am also responding.
Of course your mother and you would find each other!
I think it's our acculturation that tells us this is an unusual experience. In fact, I think our loved ones are around us all the time.
I base this on a couple things, one of which is my own personal experience and the other is watching the show "Long Island Medium."
I have had experiences with nearly everyone who is close to me or to close to my friends. I don't even doubt that it will happen; it's more a question of when. For example, a dear friend of mine has had two dogs cross over in the last few years. Now she's as psychic as I am and wouldn't you think the dogs would get in touch with her? No, for some reason they get in touch with me and I pass along the message.
On Long Island Medium, it becomes apparent that they are searching as hard for a way to reach us as we are searching for a means to reach them.
I believe that some day that veil will not exist. I think there are advanced civilizations where they may come and go to that dimension. That ability is way beyond us, however.
Now even on our planet, though, there are cultures that have a worldview that there is an invisible part of the world. They respect it, interact with it, "see" it in their mind's eye. Our culture disdains that, however.
But then, I disdain our culture. So there!
I hope to come back later and post a few of my recent experiences with contacts from loved ones who have crossed over. Right now I have to go to work, however.