Seekers on Unique Paths
Showing Original Post only (View all)Are you wondering sbout a previous "FBI" warning, allow me to explain & FREE TAROT READINGS! [View all]
Last edited Sat Sep 23, 2017, 07:28 PM - Edit history (3)
The first Opening Post I presented here read This is "intellectual property" according to FBI guidlines. Shall we begin with 17? because I suffered identity theft and wanted to document sections of a book I am still writing, although I have submitted it to a publisher. Cartomancy (divination) meanings were inspired and in some cases reproduced from the works of James Rioux, long ago. $1,000 was stolen from my bank account by a hacker and I thought the same hacker might attempt to publish my book. If you are concerned about your future, I am willing to provide a free Tarot reading in this public forum. Personally, I doubt that cards selected at random can foretell the future; but I have read Tarot cards for years and they seem to show a persons past and mental state, in many cases. At the very least, the cards induce people to reevaluate their lives and relationships. I do not seek any personal information on people who want their cards read. I read Tarot as a hobby and there is no charge for my readings.
Here is the original version, along with the card image: BOTH VERSIONS ARE CONSIDERED "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BY THE F.B.I. and Interpol.
Whenever all hope seems lost, it will reappear to prove that you have really lost nothing, except perhaps your sight of the path to enlightenment. And in the absence of that sight, the Star will light your way. Its light is not a blinding flash like the lightning bolt of the Tower, but a soft radiating glow that warms and comforts, rather than burning and destroying. You must remember that both of these energies ultimately come from the same place in the sky - from Heaven. After the light of the Tower destroys the false path you were following, the kinder and gentler light of the Star will lead you back to the right path.
In terms of symbolism this card is similar to Temperance; there is a figure by a pool with two cups. But while the contents of the Cups were mixed with each other in Temperance, here they are mixed with the waters of the eternal spirit of the Divine. When you cannot help yourself, the Star tells you to look to the heavens for guidance. Or, more appropriately, look to the spark of divinity that lies within yourself that you could not see or acknowledge before. Each of us has a little piece of the Star deep inside, waiting to cast its light into the world to light the way. This is what Crowley meant when he affirmed that "every man and every woman is a star."
The Star is a card of faith, both in your own power, and in powers greater than your own. When the Tower sweeps away all the negativity in your life, you once again need something to fill the void, and faith is a good place to start. What exactly is faith? It could be said that faith is a conscious belief in an unconscious experience, of which we may not be directly aware, but of which we can still feel the effects. This definition fits both belief in a deity and belief in your own abilities. Having faith in any power will allow that power to manifest in your life. Believing that something will happen is as sure a way as any to make it happen.
There is a lot of meditative imagery on almost all renditions of the Star, though the most interesting symbol on the Rider-Waite version of the card is the pool of water at the center of the scene. On some decks the naked woman is standing in the pool, but in the Rider-Waite version she kneels beside it. Notice that her right foot rests on the water but does not break the surface. Once faith is placed in its power, the pool of the subconscious becomes able to support the conscious mind. The miraculous ability to walk on water is symbolically translated here into the ability to trust in another power, whether in the heavens or in yourself. Once that trust is achieved, anything is possible.
There are few cards more positive than the Star, because when it appears in your life it is nothing less than a beacon of hope and inspiration. In times of darkness it shows that there is a way out, and tells you not to worry, for illumination and freedom are at hand. All you need is something in which to place your faith. So trust in yourself, and in whatever powers you believe control the universe, to help you through difficult times. Let the infinite energy of the Star warm you and rejuvenate your soul, to provide the strength and the clarity of purpose you need to continue on your journey.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that the Star is never a card that shows the final solution to any problem. It simply shows the hope and faith to get to wherever you're going; without hope we can accomplish nothing, but hope is only a beginning. Now that you have been inspired, you still have much work to do in order to bring your vision into manifestation. You must combine the solidity of material existence with the waters of your emotions and of your spirit. This is a time when miracles can happen, so kick off your shoes and wade into the pool, confident that the water will support you until you reach the other side.
This page was made by James Rioux (The Black Shadow),
Copyright 2000 James Rioux.
This page copyright Patrick Lancaster 5/15/02 (aka Jeffersons Ghost)
Egyptian art portrays goddess of the sky Nuit, as a nude woman, with her star covered body, arching across the sky. Perception of Divinity is irrelevant, after feelings helplessness develop. The Star suggests seeking guidance from higher powers. If faith abandons you, The Star rises to illuminate a fresh perspective. Occasionally darkness even settles on a path to enlightenment. In the absence of clear vision, this card renews the view, with a sparkling radiance, to provide warmth and consolation. No matter how bleak a situation seems, divine intellect flickers within you, waiting to shine. Inner light is a guide to happiness, after you embrace the symbolism vividly conveyed by imagery. Glistening with renewal and confidence, The Star epitomizes innate belief in abstract concepts, during desperate situations. Appearance of this card indicates a powerful spiritual awakening, especially when it emerges with the Eight of Wands and The Moon, in a Tarot reading.
An idealistic outlook, in imagery, shows The Star shares energy with Aquarius, a faithful visionary, who could ask this abstract question: What is the definition faith? Faith is an abiding belief in an intangible concept, which encompasses not only belief in a deity, but also confidence in personal ability or higher self. Faith in any force, allows the power to influence life. Believing an event will transpire is the surest way to cause it to occur. The same thing happens, if fear governs existence. Fear is the opposite of faith. Becoming afraid an event will take place causes the fear to become reality. Appearance of this card presents concepts, which allow you to transform nagging fears into a positive force.
Imagery on The Star shows a woman placing her foot upon water. The implication is she intends to walk on water, symbolizing faith, needed in life. Without faith, hope soon disappears, allowing problems to grow into hideous dragons, which threaten to consume us, as we cower in fear. Eight is prominent in this image. The two urns she pours from symbolize waters of life and gifts of the spirit according to A. E. Waite, who co-designed most trump cards. When this card appears, it gives gifts to the spirit and flows with emotional healing. No longer restricted to dismal realms of distrust and dread, you can emerge into the guiding light from The Star, with faith revived, as hope is renewed, according to James Rioux (The Black Shadow), 2000 James Rioux.
Aleister Crowley, designer the Book of Thoth Tarot, wrote, "Every man or woman is a star." Venus, the Morning Star, joins with seven eight-pointed stars, in imagery. In numerology, eight epitomizes attainment. Smith adopted a Tarot de Marseille image, with obvious changes. Color symbolism offers blue sky with white stars, as a nude woman dominates imagery. Followers of Yamaya, in Santeria, wear seven white beads strung with seven blue beads. Yamaya is a principal deity, who rules water, which is feminine. Pamela Colman Smith spent childhood in Kingstown, Jamaica, where beliefs like Santeria and Voodoo were imported with West African slaves, who pretended to sanctify Christian icons, while worshiping ancient African deities.
There is a great deal of meditative imagery on the card, because it symbolizes ability to trust in a higher power. No matter what your beliefs are, once you have faith, anything is possible. There are few cards in Tarot more positive than The Star. It is nothing less than a beacon of inspiration. In times of darkness, it beckons you not to resign, because illumination and wisdom are at hand. Gandhi said it best, My faith is brightest in the midst of impenetrable darkness. This card plants the kernels of truth, hope and faith: All you need to do is allow those elements to flourish. The soft, nurturing light of The Star helps these seeds grow; but remember - you are the gardener.
Cultivate beliefs in personal ability and whatever force you feel controls the universe. Allow faith to light your way through difficult times. Let the boundless energy of The Star revitalize your spirit, providing strength or clarity of purpose to resume your quest. Keep in mind, The Star rarely shows a final resolution of issues: However, as you unravel problems of life, it illuminates journeys. If you have a dream for the future, redouble faith, after this card appears. If you lack a dream, inspiration will be forthcoming. There will still be problems to overcome before desires become reality. It may seem like only a miracle can make dreams come true; and this card shows miracles will happen!
As Coyote 102.5 FM, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, plays Pink Floyd lyrics saying, " IHAVE SOMETHING LEFT TO SAY" am I allowed to post music in this forum. Can I post a link to a song here? Forum managers have only minutes to decide!