Published: February 10, 2023 11.48pm EST
From pocket knives to smart phones, humans keep inventing ever-more-sophisticated tools. However, the notion that tool use is an exclusively human trait was shattered in the 1960s when Jane Goodall observed our closest living relatives, chimpanzees, retrieving termites from holes with stripped twigs.
Tool use among non-human animals is hotly debated. Its often thought a big brain is needed to understand the properties of objects, how to finely manipulate them, and how to teach this to other members of a species.
Until recently, humans and chimps stood out among tool-using species. They were considered the only species that used toolsets, wherein a collection of different tools is used to achieve a task. They were also thought to be the only animals that carried toolsets, in anticipation of needing them later.
A third species joined the exclusive club of toolset makers in 2021, when scientists in Indonesia saw wild Goffins cockatoos using three distinct types of tools to extract seeds from fruit. And in research published this week, researchers have shown Goffins cockatoos can also take the next leap of logic, by carrying a set of tools theyll need for a future task.

Goffins cockatoos are endemic to the Tanimbar Islands in Indonesia. Shutterstock