...with references to papers in the primary scientific literature, which I browse in most of my free time. There are several scientific journals, including the one cited in the OP, for which I scan the table of contents in its entirety, making notes of papers of interest, either professionally or connected with my personal interest in the science connected with environmental issues and clean energy engineering.
I hear all sorts of wild schemes to which I am asked to respond. I was reading issues of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy decades ago in connection with thermochemical production of hydrogen.
It's your option to cheer for the chimera du jour. We certainly have lots of hydrogen nonsense around here and all over the planet, despite the fact that the physical properties of hydrogen are absymal leading to considerable safety risks and it's not primary energy.
From my perspective, all the "green" or "white" hydrogen hooey is a bait and switch effort to increase reliance on dangerous fossil fuels and to degrade the environment further and faster.
Believe what you want, but I'm of the opinion, that we were out of time 20 years ago and thus are out of time now.