Welcome to the Science Group ! (Please read before posting)
It dates back to before DU4, but I expect is still relevant.
Threads about topics that are not science are not welcome here. Please do not post threads about pseudoscience (astrology, homeopathy, crop circles, bigfoot, alien abductions, and the like), which is not science. Don't even post threads bashing pseudoscience, because most people here in the science forum don't need to be convinced, but more importantly because such topics are bait for people to come here and argue the opposing viewpoint -- and then all hell breaks loose. If you want to discuss pseudoscience there are plenty of other places on DU where you can do so. (Visit the Skepticism, Science and Pseudoscience Group for discussions from the skeptics-only perspective. Visit the Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group for discussions from the mystics-only perspective. New to DU3, there is also the Creative Speculation Group, for other topics where empirical evidence is subordinate to free expression.