Bernie Sanders Rejects Theocracy, Defends Church State Separation [View all]
Bernie Sanders Rejects Theocracy, Defends Church State Separation
January 9, 2016
by: Michael Stone
Rejecting the Republican dream of a Christian theocracy, Bernie Sanders tells supporters it is dangerous for governments to get deeply involved with religion.
Justin Scott, an Iowan who takes his politics seriously, asked the Democratic presidential candidate for his thoughts on politicians who base a lot of their legislation on their religious beliefs at a recent campaign event in Iowa.
Sanders answered:
Religious freedom in this country is part of our Constitution, and all of us agree with that. And you have many different religions, and people have the right, in this country, to practice the religion that they believe in.
But we also have a separation between religion and state. We know how dangerous it is, historically, for governments to get deeply involved with religion
Lets not confuse and merge religion and state. That is not what our Founding Fathers wanted, and they were right.
Sanders is right. The attempt by todays Republican party to confuse and merge religion and state is dangerous, un-American, and a repudiation of the secular values upon which this nation was founded.
This is not the first time the progressive candidate has championed secular values. Earlier this year, in an uplifting viral video supporting Sanders 2016 presidential campaign, the presidential hopeful declared:
The problems we face did not come down from the heavens. They are made, they are made by bad human decisions, and good human decisions can change them.
Sanders is a friend to freethinkers, and the enemy of conservative Christians. Religious News Service describes Sanders as unabashedly irreligious and the anti-Bible thumper, noting:
Sanders is the presidential contender most willing to dissociate himself from religion. Though he identifies as Jewish and by Jewish law is Jewish, he has freely acknowledged that he is not a religious person. He scored a solid zero from Ralph Reeds Faith and Freedom Coalition in its most recent scorecard and a 100 from the abortion rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America.
Scoring a zero from Ralph Reeds Faith and Freedom Coalition is a badge of honor, and should be a ringing endorsement to the ears of every humanist, every atheist, every freethinker.
It's refreshing to finally have a presidential candidate who won't pander to the bible thumpers!