"Satan must love all this division" [View all]
So I posted this story on Facebook about an evangelical leader who calls out other evangelicals' hypocrisy for voting for Trump. Got a few thumbs up from liberal, and even Christian friends.
But one person (and evangelical) simply replied, "Satan must love all this division". I'm not sure how to respond to this. I kind of want to just say, "strap in, its going to get worse".
Evangelical Leader Under Attack For Criticizing Trump Supporters
A prominent evangelical leader who harshly criticized Donald Trump during the presidential campaign now faces a backlash from fellow evangelicals who backed Trump.
Russell Moore, who presides over the political arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, called Trump "an awful candidate" and criticized "the old-guard religious right political establishment" for supporting him, notwithstanding Trump's "serious moral problems" and a Southern Baptist tradition of opposing politicians whose personal behavior is considered un-Christian.
"The religious right," Moore argued in an October speech, "turns out to be the people the religious right warned us about." As president of the Southern Baptists' Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Moore is in charge of his organization's policymaking and lobbying apparatus.
Now Moore himself, as the ERLC leader, is under attack from some of the religious right figures he criticized during the campaign.