Celebrating Shatner's 86th Birthday with Kirk's Best Moments [View all]
Celebrating Shatner's 86th Birthday with Kirk's Best Moments
William Shatner -- the man, the legend, Star Trek's original Captain James T. Kirk -- turns 86 years young today. And there's just no stopping him. He's got a new book on the way (Spirit of the Horse: A Celebration of Fact and Fable), a full slate of convention appearances locked in, and he just signed on to star in the romantic comedy film Senior Moment, in which he'll portray a retired Top Gun Navy pilot who tested aircraft for NASA back in the day.
To celebrate, Shatner's big day, we at StarTrek.com asked fans to answer the question, "What were some of Captain Kirk's best moments?" Here are some of the top comments/replies:
When he asked the Almighty for his I.D. "Excuse me, what does God need with a Starship?"
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
"Of my friend I can only say this: Of all the souls I have encountered, his was the most... human." (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)