I have come to the conclusion that in their minds they know and understand there is no god, no heaven, no hell. The reason i say this is simply because of their behavior.
If they were true Christians or for that matter if they were true anythings, they would not be so ambitious for worldly goods and power. But they understand that they get one shot and they are going to accrue the nicest ride they can.
At the same time they have learned that religion has been and is perhaps the greatest control mechanism ever conceived. By joining in with those in the power structure they work to keep the believers believing by acting like they too are one of them.
So while doing everything that religions condemn, they at the same time pretend to toe the line of obedience to some god.
Thereby fooling the masses who have learned to put great stock in the appearance of religiosity believing that a (non-existent) god would not bless such a person unless he (or she) was holy.
They play the game so well and so constantly that the chances of actually revealing themselves is slim.
Joel Osteen got revealed accidentally by Harvey when he refused shelter in times of great necessity. But don't worry - he'll lie his way out of it and be fleecing the sheep as always.
Hope I made sense. Maybe my argument doesn't make sense. And there will never be any way to find out if I am right or wrong
In short here is the nut of it - if these people really believed in what they claim to believe and there would be some judgment coming they would not act the way they do.