Morality and the Christian God [View all]
Last edited Thu Mar 1, 2018, 02:26 PM - Edit history (1)
A very good and short (<8 minutes) excerpt from a longer speech:
"...there are 1.2 billion people in India at this moment...most are Hindus and therefore most are poly-theists. No matter how good these people are they are doomed. If you are praying to the monkey god Hanuman, you are doomed. You will be tortured in hell for eternity. Now, is there the slightest evidence for this? No. It just says so in Mark 9, Mathew 13 and Revelation god created the cultural isolation of the Hindus, he engineered the circumstance of their deaths in ignorance of revelation and then he created the penalty for this ignorance which is an eternity of conscious torment in fire. On the other hand, your run-of-mill serial killer in America who spent his life raping and torturing children, need only to come to jesus on death row and after a final meal of fried chicken, he is going to spend an eternity in heaven..."
"If there is a less moral Moral Framework, I haven't heard of it."