Parent Calls Bible 'PORN' and Demands.... [View all]
.... Utah School District Remove It From Libraries
Love this story. This should be repeated wherever troglodytes are banning books.
Incest, onanism, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, fellatio, dildos, rape, and even infanticide, the parent wrote in their request, according to the Salt Lake Tribune, which obtained a copy of the request. Youll no doubt find that the Bible, under Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1227, has no serious values for minors because its pornographic by our new definition.
The Bible absolutely contains all of this and more. A personal NSFW favorite is Song of Solomon, a rapturous piece of erotica, describing a womans breasts in painfully horny detail as two fawns and clusters of fruit, and pleas for a man to eat the precious fruits of her garden. King David is overcome with lust for a woman named Bathsheba, who hes been creeping on while she bathes, and commits adultery with her, later murdering her husband. Samsons downfall is a femdom named Delilah. Noahs son Ham catches his dad nude and drunk off his ass, and accidentally sees his dick; for this, Noah curses Hams bloodline to lives of slavery. Lots daughters get him drunk and rape him repeatedly while hes blacked out. There are more references to, and encouragement of, killing babies in violent ways than I care to name but feel free to search that up. God gets really pissed at the citizens of Judah for smelting all the jewelry he gave them down into fucktoys.