Prof. Brian Cox takes on Deepak Chopra; Chopra out of his depth in both physics and language [View all]
(I don't know how much Brian Cox (physics prof. at Manchester University, not the Scottish actor) has been seen on American TV, but he's the rough British equivalent of Neil deGrasse Tyson, as the current scientist most likely to turn up and explain something. Also involved is another British physicist, Jon Butterworth)
Deepak Chopra @DeepakChopra
Would welcome specific criticism of this article/perspective written 2 years ago
@jonmbutterworth @ProfBrianCox
Jon Butterworth @jonmbutterworth 21h
@DeepakChopra Read it on plane just now. Starts w reasonable tho slightly snarky account of LHC, Higgs, & limits of physical knowledge
Then claims QM is unphysical or metaphysical (not sure which), rather than just how the universe behaves at small scales
(I disagree with that, though there are interesting open questions.)
Then via a huge non-sequitur to some undefined consciousness field & eventually a pantheist comfort blanket which...
... I dont object to if it makes you happy, but which has nothing to do with physics & in my opinion simply...
... begs all the questions it purports to answer. Anyhow cheers for reading/RTing mine. Jon
Brian Cox @ProfBrianCox 21h
@jonmbutterworth @DeepakChopra Pantheist Comfort Blanket is a superb album, though, I have to admit. ELP at their bombastic best.
Jon Butterworth @jonmbutterworth 21h
@ProfBrianCox @DeepakChopra agree. Though it's the live version of "Hoedown" at the end that makes it all worthwhile.
Deepak Chopra @DeepakChopra 7h
Is the universe a quantum computer & our minds the programmers?
@jonmbutterworth @ProfBrianCox #CosmicConsciousness
Deepak Chopra @DeepakChopra 5h
A mind independent reality is neither verifiable nor falsifiable. Its a belief system @jonmbutterworth @ProfBrianCox @stuartcantrill
Deepak Chopra @DeepakChopra 5h
Scientific"truth" is based on choice of experiment&measurement a particular model of reality @jonmbutterworth @ProfBrianCox @stuartcantrill
Brian Cox @ProfBrianCox 4h
At the risk of undermining your business model, @deepakchopra, you are spraying words around like shit at a wall, hoping something sticks.
As the
keyboardist on a UK #1 hit single, Cox is well qualified to make ELP jokes. I think he takes Chopra as seriously as he should be, ie not at all. Chopra doesn't take kindly to the 'business model' remark.