Mirror matter and "souls" [View all]
Hello all,
Here is extract from one website,where the proponent claims that there are indications that humans have 2 information systems,one on material level another one on mirror level:
This theory is based on the assumption that living organisms make invisible mirror copies of themselves (parallel dimension, mind, dark matter, mirror particles).
Benveniste´s experiment and Kirlian photography of a cut leaf are indications that mirror copies of molecules and atoms are a reality.
Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level.
Libet´s Sensory Experience Backwards in Time-experiment is a good demonstration that humans have two information systems: 1. The nerve impulse to cerebral cortex + 0.5 sec to consciousness in the material brain. 2. A fraction of a second (faster-than-light) on the unconscious mirror world level to mind brain.
Consciousness appears where mind brain is connected to the materialistic brain. Neurotransmittors act as body-mind transducers.
My interpretation of Benveniste´s experiment: Every molecule has a corresponding mirror copy of the molecule. A copy ("key" can react on a specific receptor molecule ("lock" on body level according to the immunological principle."
What do you guys think?Is it worth some serious attention or mere speculation?
My major point here is this: ""Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level."
We got a claim here.Can it be refuted?I think claim on phantom limbs can be refuted,what about the rest?"
Thank you,