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The Actinides in Homeopathy (Uranium, Plutonium & Others)Radioactive substances have so far received little attention in homeopathy. The well-known paediatrician Patricia Le Roux did trailblazing research into the use of these remedies, which are so important for the times we now live in. With only a few words she is able to reach the heart of the Actinides. The impressive case histories demonstrate her successful use of these new remedies. Patients of the Uranium series have great potential energy but are simultaneously threatened by disintegration and destruction. Their lives often feature drastic experiences such as suicide or severe illness in the family, or catastrophes such as earthquakes or nuclear accidents. At the same time these patients display remarkable intuition. The children are precocious and mature beyond their years. The case histories extend from eczema, loss of voice, and asthma through rheumatic illness and seizures to depression, hyperactivity (ADHD), and chronic vomiting after trauma. Remedies such as Neptunium nitricum, Plutonium muriaticum and Americium nitricum are prescribed to good effect. Patricia Le Roux died tragically in an accident shortly before the publication of what may yet prove to be her most important work. With this book she has left behind a milestone for homeopathy. I can recommend this book to all homeopaths. It shows that the Uranium series is much more common than one would think at first. We can be thankful to Patricia Le Roux for making the pictures more precise, more alive and thus, easier to apply. This book is a very nice guide for the Actinides. Jan Scholten Patricias book on the actinides is a milestone in homeopathy. Since the publication of Secret Lanthanides by Jan Scholten no other book has helped us so much in prescribing a new important group of remedies so effectively and successfully. Especially her cases give a beautiful insight into this promising group. Ulrich Welte "I've read Patricia Le Roux's book The Actinides, I find it very interesting and well analysed, hence very practical." Joëlle Thélème (France)
I was Googling some info on thorium and thoria and came across this. Who knew.
(P.S. I also learned that Thoria is a surname found predominantly in Iran and India, and may also be a forename. And I came across a fantasy revenge novel about destroying Mecca with a homemade atomic bomb. And there are clothing manufacturers and rock bonds using the name "Thoria". The world is a strange place, but only because humans are in it.)