Sat down with the attorneys over Liz. [View all]
Yesterday before I went into work they advised me that they would not recommend pursuing trying to prove negligence on the part of the medical provider. They explained too me they understand my questions in asking if they the medical provider screwed up , when I called like five days in telling them that the antibiotic is not working can you send the nurse practitioner out again maybe to look at my wife again maybe take blood.
I was informed after they consulted the staff by phone with my wifes physician I was told Liz has only been on antibiotic for like five days and continue antibiotic it was for like ten days if you feel shes in danger go to the E.R. or to call back on Monday to schedule appointment when called Monday I was told they can see her in home the following Monday.
So the attorneys pointed out that yes Liz knew understood what I was relaying to her what her Doc said. And she made the decision to just wait and see to see if antibiotic would kick the infection. I know now why she wanted to see if it would work she didnt want to be in hospital or rehab for like previous time 48 days combined hospital and rehab two years ago with Covid.
November is big month as in our biological sons birthday Elizabeths birthday she is a thanksgiving baby, I never grew tired of listening to her father tell the story of the day Liz was born on that day for thanksgiving he ate two hotdogs.
Elizabeth was conceived in Hawaii my father in law was on his R&R my mother in law flew to meet him for seven days. He said I headed back to Vietnam and she headed home carrying a baby we did not know. I loved that man deeply i strived to be the same father and husband as he was.