read of this poet's obituary, thought i'd post my favorite poem [View all]
Such A Surreal Surprise
I know now after so much not knowing
that what I know is not worth knowing
except to my knowing that what i know
is not only not acceptable it is worth nothing
But once I have come to know this I accept
that nearly everyone I knew before I knew them
realized that the fact of knowing
is in both the long run and the short run
unknowable once you know this
you enter a zone of inexplicable relief
because your soul as a concentrated enigma
always searching for the darkened answer
is a cosmic joke giving you a wondrous happiness
from the fact that the soul at least in this endeavor
is worthless and you released from soul- searching
can move with ease along the swift stream
of unknowing a so delightful experience
where you need not have a beginning
and can cast your memory away forever
and be what you have always wanted
but never knew until now realizing
hello everybody is a salutation
that is meaningless and at the core of truth
and here you are how can you be so lucky?
William Sommers
1/20/27- 6/3/19
Poet Laureate of Fearrington Village
Pittsboro NC