I just think that many aspects of their behavior is horrible.
Over the years I've lived in a few places and experienced a variety of situations, and just generally tried to become aware of the world in every way I could. (I couldn't really travel overseas, though, never had the money for that) But that has not made me feel better about myself.
Maybe it comes down to broad experience vs targeted experience, and mine is definitely more broad than targeted. Most people have more targeted experience. Which is fine. To be honest, stuff kind of bores me, and maybe people see that as a sign of depression, but I think it's because I've pretty much seen all there is to see.
This is one of the weird things I hate. People in my town, do not know basic traffic rules. They do not realize that when coming to a 4 way stop, the person on the right side, in relation to the other, is supposed to go first. So, what they do is wave me through. I recently drove through 3 intersections in a row, where the other driver got there first, but they waved me through. And one of those times, what happened was, a lady in a Land Rover waved me through, so I reluctantly went first (because they get angry if I do not comply with their waves), then she was on my butt tailgating me, and and then honked at me at the next intersection because I was not going fast enough for her!!! That was a double whammy.
I do not know why people are in such a hurry. I'm pretty sure nobody is anxious to see them.
Anyway, I think that I need to change my expectations.