S.D. Attorney General Ravnsborg moves along with his life, while Joe Boever's family waits for [View all]
S.D. Attorney General Ravnsborg moves along with his life, while Joe Boevers family waits for justice
Wednesday marked eight months since South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg killed Joe Boever.
Ravnsborg (seen above with Boever in the inset in a montage from flipboard.com) faces three misdemeanor counts for that Sept. 12 fatal crash just west of Highmore. A second court hearing was held Wednesday, with neither the judge, lawyers nor Ravnsborg actually in the courtroom. The trial is set for late August or September.
The AG faces three misdemeanor charges, and a possible impeachment in the Legislature. But otherwise, he moves ahead in his life, still drawing a handsome paycheck, hoping for a promotion to colonel in the Army Reserve, enjoying his life. Although, as I first reported last month, that is now in doubt.
One thing is certain: Joe Boever remains dead, buried in a Dell Rapids cemetery.
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