Your question is a little difficult to answer, since the example you are giving is not one of blasphemy - Buddhists do kill people for not being Buddhists, as we have seen in Burma and Sri Lanka recently - they may be committing a sin according to their religion, but it isn't blasphemy anymore than it would be for a Christian who breaks the commandment against killing. Blasphemy is the act of speaking or acting disrespectfully toward something that is considered sacred by someone, and this may be classified as a crime in some countries. For example, in Thailand, if you were to do something like step on a statue of the Buddha in Thailand, you would be liable for criminal prosecution under section 206 of their penal code, which reads: "Whoever, to do, by any means whatever, to the object or place of religious worship of any group of persons in the manner likely to insult such religion, shall be imprisoned as from two years to seven years or fined as from two thousand Baht to fourteen thousand Baht, or both." Non Buddhists are not even allowed to take statues of the Buddha out of Thailand - my understanding is that someone tried smuggling heroin out in one, which the Thais would very definitely consider an outrageous act of blasphemy.