2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Democrats Dont Have an Easy Answer for the Rust Belt [View all]LenaBaby61
(6,991 posts)No they don't.
You know, tRump made speeches himself and made gobs of money, plus he stiffed working folks just like those in the rust belt for work done, and I'm pretty sure that he'll really stiff the hell out of them when he doesn't give them any of those "fantastic" jobs back he was promising. All he has to do is tell them "The Dems want to take your guns away," and they'll fall for it AGAIN, even though they still have their guns and Pres. Obama is about to LEAVE office. Talk about gullible
I'm still trying to figure out how tRump was so appealing to them. First he said a Federal minimum wage was too high at $7.25. Then said maybe it should be a bit higher after Bernie/Hillary agreed upon a $15.00 Federal Minimum wage. THEN the con-man said we don't need a Federal Minimum wage at all. I guess those in the rust belt will be happy to work in right to work states working for what, $2.00 or $3.00 per hour? Yeah, that'll help 'em take care of their families AND try to pay for those Medical Savings Accounts or for some, those non-existent health insurance plans they won't have under tRump and Ryan whose premiums will continue to SOAR even with the Kenyan, Marxist Muslim OUT of office and with them controlling all 3 branches of government. Vouchers, how could I forget vouchers. Yeah, Vouchers and Medical Savings Accounts (with lifetime caps included) will be the answer for those needing health care in the rust belt.
But then again, they'll probably go to their fall back position and blame Pres. Obama per their president tRump's words, for what I KNOW will be the screw-job from hell he lays on them because he won't be able to bring those "gazillion" jobs back to the USA like he swore to God he would, because he'll be too busy grifting and stealing to fill HIS tRump brand coffers.