2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: If the Democratic Party decides to ignore the concerns of minority voters to get white 'Rust Belt' [View all]heaven05
(18,124 posts)soft pedaled bullshit of a lot pretending that racism and the rest of the negative isms were not the driving force of the new fuhrer rising from the ashes of a so-called dead Party. The racists reinvigorated and now are sustaining the RepubliKKKKan Party. The racists, bigots narrow minded and just plain ignorant and stupid are the overwhelming majority of their base. Racists in overwhelming numbers voted for the racist to make ameriKKKa white again and when when the feces hits the rotating oscillator, PoC will be on their own as many who claim progressive and liberal leaning fade into the lynch mob and start screaming for PoC, immigrant and Muslim bodies swinging at the end of a rope. Bravenak offers the truth and that's always refreshing when one finds themselves wading through a sea of bullshit.