2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)The more you call white working class voters "racist" the more you will LOSE elections. [View all]
Just because someone voted for Trump doesn't mean he or she was a "racist." In fact, labeling someone you don't even know just based on how he or she voted is so simple-minded and ridiculous that anyone who would say such a thing needs a brain transplant.
MANY people voted for Trump not because of the race politics but on ECONOMICS and/or other cultural issues beyond race. Some voted for him because they are lifelong R's so stuck with their party. Others because they perceive him as a strong leader. Others because they are fed up with the establishment and want to shake up Washington. Others because they didn't like Hillary. Others because they are sick and tired of elitists who don't respect them and because of political correctness on steroids. MANY because they are beaten down economically and Trump is a business guy who promised job creation.
Please, don't be simple-minded. People vote for a given candidate for a variety of reasons.
Want to win back MANY white rural working class voters who used to vote with us? First, LISTEN to them and RESPECT them. Next, give them CONCRETE and TANGIBLE benefits for their votes, such as infrastructure jobs, a good plan for bringing back manufacturing if even on a small scale, a good plan to ACTUALLY drain the swamp in Washington, etc.
We are supposed to be "The Party Of The People" right? Well, that means ALL the people including white working class folks. Ignore them, as we just saw, at our PERIL!