2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: You could see it coming. Hillary should never have run in 2016. [View all]LenaBaby61
(6,991 posts)And get off that NOW ....
Because we don't know if in 2020 we'll have "A" proper playing field to vote on, or IF under a tRump DOJ/FBI after 4 years, we as Dems or others who oppose a Pence/Putin/tRump presidency or a Rethug Senate/House or if Russia will be even more of a fixture in our elections than Dems/others are. Bad enough tRump and his Nazi Bannon feel that Putin IS a better leader than our OWN President. Bannon also has voiced an opinion that blacks really don't NEED to vote period. In fact that Nazi said he doesn't care if anybody but people who support them and their agenda have the right to vote. In other words, he ONLY wants rich white males and perhaps white women to vote but no to anyone else. Racist, woman-abusing, fat POS.
Like Bannon, and a Pence/Putin/tRump DOJ/FBI or a Rethug Senate or racist tea-thuglican House cares one damn about if Dems have more input into their own elections in the USA than Russia/Putin does.
People worrying about and in a way mocking Hillary better hope we can vote in enough numbers PERIOD in 2016 and beyond. Like Bernie would have fared any better with what Hillary had to endure. Bannon was going to turn Bernie into not only a Commie/Castro-loving/Socialist, but also into a Pedophile/Rapist IF he had won the Dem nomination. Would have been just as brutal for him, and we know that this media would have ran with the Pedophile/Rapist meme's while mostly ignoring what that lying, p***y-grabbing, sexist, racist, dumb, POS was doing and saying.