2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)It's clear people have not fully considered the con job that has been pulled on them [View all]
I still hear people repeating GOP propaganda that Hillary is a corporatist, beholden to Wall Street and therefore unfit to be President. That is supposed to explain her loss, even as Trump has appointed circa five billionaires to his cabinet and is preparing to privatize Medicare, Social Security, and undo regulation of finance, the environment and business in general. Yet somehow watching this doesn't cause people to reflect on their knee-jerk use of buzzwords that show an astounding lack of awareness of what we face under the Trump administration.
That rhetoric about Hillary's as beholden to Wall Street was created by the GOP, planted by them and their allies in the Kremlin in order to enable Republicans to seize control of the presidency and give away fucking everything to the obscenely rich. And that is exactly what Trump is embarking on now, as is evident from his cabinet appointments. Yet the same people keep parroting ahistorical talking points about the Democratic Party and Hillary in particular selling out, corporatism, blah, blah, blah.
You all got played, and badly. And what's worse is that you haven't figured it out. You got rid of the evil "corporatist" Democrats and circulated and continue to repeat propaganda that enables the GOP to open the federal treasury directly to pilfering by the richest men in the nation as they prepare to give away to Wall Street trillions Americans have contributed to SS and Medicare throughout their lives. The knee-jerk repeating of GOP propaganda continues to be entirely devoid of any relation to policy. It did not matter what Clinton actually voted or or proposed as policy. What mattered is that you decided she was a "corporatist." You even bought into the con job that Trump won based on his self-professed concern for the working class. It is obvious that his focus during his presidency will be further enriching himself and those like him, as has been his practice his entire life. He has never done anything but screw over ordinary people.
So many it's time to stop aping the buzz words that helped get him elected? Maybe it's time to focus on what politicians actually do rather than what people say about them? Maybe it's time to reflect on how you play into the hands of the powerful by doing their rhetorical bidding? Because if anyone still thinks there is any equivalency between Clinton and Trump, you're too fucking stupid to contribute to our party or this society.