2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: As a black loyal Democrat, I say SCREW the white working class who insist on voting Republican [View all]NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)Some people are just calling ALL white voters racist, or all rural white voters, etc.
I went to early vote the second I could and voted for ALL democrats in a red county of a battleground state. All this shit I'm seeing of this nature has really left me completely and utterly demoralized. According to some I'm just a rural white racists and it's all my fault Trump was elected. No matter that I didn't vote for him. No matter that I know some people who did who are NOT racist in any way and if simply reached out to probably would vote the other way and they are being called racists too. All my life I have stood up against racism, bigotry and unfairness. In saying, NO, it's not ok to call all white Trump voters racists I am hearing that my vote is not needed and I'm not welcome. So fuck it...why do I even bother voting for Democrats? They don't need or welcome me by the looks of it.