2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: What would re-establish trust here? [View all]lapfog_1
(30,264 posts)First, while elections are about specific people, lets not turn the democratic party into a personality cult. That goes for both Sanders and Clinton this last go round.
Let's outline some clear ideas to fight for... and then develop the language of the populist to sell them (they repukes are great at this... i.e. death tax not estate tax)
Try not to cover EVERYONE's specific pet peeve... hammer on just a few (no more than 6). That can re-enforce the tagline.
We can't be the nanny-state party. Let's not go there.
Finally, and this is hard, if we want to win we apparently are going to have to fight dirty, spread our own disinformation, and lie our asses off. And, also, make it cool to hate the establishment (now billionaire businessmen like the Orange One). Sorry, but hate seems to work as a motivator more than positive goals.
Last, and I'm serious here, we gotta cheat just like they do, suppress the white suburban vote, rig the voting machines, sign up un documented people to vote. Do all the things they do PLUS what they already accuse us of doing. Hillary should have won 320 electoral college votes and +5 million popular votes... the Senate should be BLUE and, in the wave election, the House should be BLUE too.l
Yeah, I'm a bit bitter... but maybe serious too.