is enough reason to question the liberalism of Democrats? And is a sign the party has drifted to the right? Incremental steps in an environment where we have a VERY conservative congress matters little?
For instance, I don't agree with an artificial increase to the minimum wage of $15. Not because I don't believe that workers shouldn't have decent wages, but I know the impact this will have on small-medium sized business owners - if they can't match the increase they will fire workers- so how about a phase out- an incremental increase. Ideally I would love the minimum wage to be around $24 to match inflation, but growth, as it stands, makes it difficult for struggling businesses to meet the target of $15, let alone my wish ($24) Does this make me less of a liberal?
I admire France's healthcare set up - it includes private insurers with enough government expansion to ensure wide coverage-while giving the French the option of private plans - Do I have to drop my liberal cred now?
I also believe one of the reasons Crony Capitalism has become rampant is because the FDA has fallen into "regulatory capture", needs regulatory reform, because as it stands, companies enjoy monopolising the market without competition from smaller start ups or companies on the up and up - should I stop calling myself a liberal?
Free College - I don't agree with Sander's approach to solving tuition inflation , I do agree colleges should be more affordable, but his plan didn't make sense to me - expressing misgivings means I'm leaning to the right?
Where I can agree with the idea of "moving to the right" , is the way the Democrats have capitulated to the Republican path of unnecessary military intervention, perhaps they had no choice. The wheels were set in motion since the 80's ( and even before that) and we're playing catch up and trying to close the pandora's box we opened. Still drones - is a shift, but hardly the fault of Democrats alone.
Because we disagree on solutions, doesn't make me or anyone else who has misgivings about the progressive agenda, any less of a liberal.