Does anyone else think the extremely long length of our presidential campaigns is a major reason [View all]
why this country is so divided and hateful?
Does anyone else think that the length of presidential elections/campaigns could be one of the factors that contributed to our loss?
When Hillary was so far ahead in all the polls at the beginning of the campaign, you just knew that there were way too many months left in the campaign for her to be able to hold that kind of a lead. You just wanted it to be over right then and there. Too much time for lies to take hold. Too much time for the other side to play their dirty tricks. Too much time for the media to change everything. Way too many months of sheer miserable torture, stress, and frustration.
After the long drawn-out wars of the primaries, wouldn't you think that we could wrap up the election in a much shorter time than we do? People in Canada & other countries cannot believe how long our presidential campaigns last.
And why do we need 3 debates? Why not just have one debate and get it over with. Why do they even call them debates? The debates are a fucking joke because they are not really debates at all. It's absolute torture to watch them sitting up there never actually answering the questions but instead giving rehearsed speeches about something irrelevant to the question that was asked of them. It's almost as bad as watching the last 2 minutes of a close basketball game that ends up taking 45 minutes.
I can understand that there were reasons why our elections were set up in the way they were ages ago when candidates went from town to town by horse and buggy to get their message out, but times have changed. Now we've got fucking twitter to get the word out in a nanosecond.
I don't know if Congress will ever consider doing anything to stop the bleeding, but the longer the elections last, the more hateful and divided this nation becomes.