2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: The Bernie Support bashing in this forum is disgusting! [View all]Uponthegears
(1,499 posts)of a candidate who failed to carry four reliably blue states when she was running against a fucking monster.
However, I'll play.
Yes, Hillary indeed adopted much of Bernie's platform (what you describe as "gave an unprecedented level of input to the losing candidate." However, when did she campaign on that platform? Where was it she gave her "economic platform" speech? Where was her "foreign policy" speech? Where was ANY speech where she did not spend 80%+ of her time talking about the issue her erstwhile supporters STILL believe should have been the end of the story (i.e., Donald Trump is a sexual predator who hates Muslims, gays, and any immigrant who grew up speaking Spanish and is therefore disqualified from holding the office.) In other words WHEN did she NOT run like a scalded dog from "the most progressive platform ever?"
As for your tripe about Bernie sulking away, he AND Warren crisscrossed the Rust Belt, trying (successfully, mind you) to get those <$50K voters who supported him in the primaries to vote for Hillary. You do know a majority of the <$50K demographic voted for Hillary, right?
As for your rhetorical "please point out where I said Hillary and the party bear no responsibility" query. What I said is that you were incapable of identifying any Hillary failures.
Btw, I campaigned for Bernie in basically every urban area in the Deep South . . . BUT . . . when he lost the primary, I went back to my communities and did door to door canvassing for Hillary and worked phone banks at night because people who look like me are going to suffer and people who look like me but don't have my resources are going to die.
Use a little caution the next time you decide to judge me.