How I Came to See That the Election Needs to be Audited and How You Can Too [View all]
How I Came to See That the Election Needs to be Audited and How You Can Too
Nov 29
As I watched the election results come in on November 8, 2016, the friends and family that I was following along with became increasingly frantic. I stayed calm.
Shes got this. I told them. I knew what the exit polls said. I knew what the early voting results indicated. I knew what the large voter turnout and long lines indicated.
I added up the remaining electoral votes and reassured everyone.
Shes going to win Florida, shell win Wisconsin, shes got Michigan and Pennsylvania. Then all the big west coast states will put her over.
And then, she didnt. North Carolina remained too close to call. Wisconsin started to flip. Florida started to flip. States where Clinton had a strong lead going into election day and in the exit polls started to flip.
This doesnt make sense, I told my friends. Its not right.
I woke up the next day expecting to hear that miscounted votes had come in and the situation had been corrected. ...........