2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: I DON'T UNDERSTAND. what is with this Bernie is good/Hillary is bad all the sudden? [View all]lapucelle
(19,620 posts)I don't think we are all on the same side. If we were, Hillary would be president elect. There are lots of third party voters and election day no shows who are insisting they are some how "right" because Trump is president elect. They fail to see what is obvious to most: the "never Hillary" cohort was a major factor in putting Trump in office.
These people weren't "right"; they were ruthless narcissists who made a threat and carried it out. Clinton, Obama, and Sanders himself begged them not to do it, and the Trump team played them for all it was worth. Now they're bewildered by the anger and contempt of the 65,000,000 who (among others) will have to live with the consequences of those who were so pure that they could not vote for a woman who was eminently qualified, whose proposals did not ignore already marginalized demographics, and whose record for for liberalism matched that of a certain fiery progressive from Vermont. They will however, turn a blind eye to the environmentalist abuses of Sierra Blanca and the the broken promises concerning the single payer fight of 2008-2009.
And to add insult to injury, we have to listen to the post-campaign obnoxious pontifications on an almost daily basis of a man who was largely absent when Democrats needed him because he now has a book to sell.
If we were truly all on the same side, we would be reading about the first woman president's transition and first 100 days of enacting the most progressive platform in decades. Unfortunately, whether by accident or design, some of "us" threw the game to Team Trump.
We told them it would happen, and they did it anyway.