2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Bill Press: Sanders didnt damage Clintons public image [View all]Raster
(20,999 posts)...In a fair election, with all votes cast counted fairly Clinton probably would have won. And second, like most American presidential elections in the last 40 or so years, this "is fucked to high heaven no doubt."
My basic points:
1. Senator Sanders candidacy in the Primary did no damage to Clinton in the General. Time to move on and focus our disappointment and anger into more productive, healthy avenues. The "circular firing squad" gets us nowhere.
2. Clinton didn't just face Trump in the General, she faced 30 years of lies, rumors, innuendo, manufactured hate and such blatantly false information that it absolutely confounds. Case-in-point: the Comet Ping-Pong Pizza bullshit: seriously...satanists, sacrificing children, hidden tunnels, etc.??? Such blatantly false information that to most logical, rational persons is head-shaking stupid, IS ACTUALLY BELIEVED by a segment of people because it's, well, Hillary, and the reich-wing media shrieking heads have thoroughly poisoned the well. The Hillary Hate collects at the top like a bilious, noxious froth. And speaking of froth, the Hillary Hate is so strongly ingrained, that many normal, rational and generally logically-thinking persons can go from calm and even-tempered to out-and-out, frothing at the mouth, bat-shit crazy in about three seconds flat. This "Hillary Hate" phenomenon alone deserves examination and study.