2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: I'd love it if the JPR returnees... [View all]DFW
(57,003 posts)"I'd love it if they would go back from whence they came"....IF all they have is a rehashing of the "I-HATE-Hillary" meme, and why she was SUCH a terrible candidate.
I wouldn't discount out of hand that some of the people who went there did so for other reasons than just "I-Hate-Hillary," and that they might have something positive to contribute here. I don't know this one way or the other, but I don't think it's a stretch of a speculation.
I took a look at their site a while ago, and like I said back then, "veni, vidi, satis." (I came, I saw, I had enough.) But that doesn't mean that EVERY person who posts there is a hate-filled, angry, lonely paranoid. That's a rather broad brush. If it's someone who only has posts to offer that are filled with hate and scorn, then yes, I, too, wish they would stick to their self-constructed cocoon. But if they have something positive to contribute, who are we to bar the door before even hearing what they have to say?
And to those who protest the OP's supposed call for banning returnees from the other site, I suggest another look at the OP. No one suggested banning anyone, and doing so twists what the OP said into something it did not. If you find it unjustified, then say so. But slamming it for recommending banning returnees is like Foxsuckers saying that Obama wants to come take your guns away. He said no such thing, and has done no such thing. If you feel directly addressed by the OP, I'd just answer with the same thing I answer to those frequent-enough posts that slam all of Texas and all Texans as if we were all Louie Gohmert: "Won't you hear me out first?" If the answer is "no," THEN let'em have it.