Are you ready for the Xian Theocracy? Because that's what's coming. [View all]
I was watching the Michael Moore clip from the recent Van Jones program on CNN. He made a quasi-prediction that chilled me to the bone: expect the Rs to inaugurate Trump on Jan 20...and then expect them to call a special Saturday session of Congress for Jan 21 in which they will ram through law after law after law.
You know, I often take MM's predictions with a grain of salt, but he has been prescient when it comes to Trump. I would not put it past them to do this. Trump's cabinet appointments are shaping up as being anti-science (translation: pro-Xian fantasy) and militaristic. Every single disastrous RW policy can be traced back directly to the version of Xianity that has been embraced by the Rs who are running the show in this country. Anti-gay, anti-women's equality, racism - it all goes back to their belief that they are Jeebus' special people, that they answer to no one on this planet, and that they are doing god's will.
Expect these laws to champion Xian beliefs above other beliefs. Expect non-belief to be denounced as being unAmerican. Toss in intellectualism as being the work of the Devil, and you can see where we're heading.
And these religious fanatics will have every branch of the government supporting every anti-democratic law they pass. Even religious people and sects who fight back will be demonized and derided.
Scary thoughts that may well become even scarier realities in very short order.