2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Schumer had one question: Is Bernie coming? [View all]TwilightZone
(28,834 posts)and spent the entire general election season doing nothing but crapping on Clinton, talking about how she was worse than Trump, trading conspiracy theory bullshit (wait...some of them actually believe pizzagate??), and trolling DU. Some of them are still here, regurgitating the same nonsense about e-mails and Bill Clinton's dick.
When election time came, some of these oh-so-serious people voted for Trump and openly bragged about it. Or Stein or Johnson (uh, why?), which was essentially the same thing in the end. Hey, at least they got to cast their meaningless protest vote no one will ever know about. Because they're so principled. They sure showed us.
They were so concerned about a Trump presidency that they voted for him, voted third-party or just stayed home because both sides are bad.
And Clinton supporters were the ones not taking it seriously? People on DU were practically begging/cajoling/threatening people to vote for Clinton because of the specter of a Trump presidency and a Trump cabinet and a Trump supreme court. These "progressives" just said stuff like Clinton would just nominate Republicans anyway, so it won't matter. And don't tell me what to do; you're not the boss of me. You can't tell me how to vote. Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs. Well, hey, at least they got the Goldman Sachs part right.
Give me a break. Maybe if they learned to act like adults instead of petulant children, they'd be taken more seriously.
I put "progressives" in quotes, by the way, because some of those idiots were never progressives.