2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Schumer had one question: Is Bernie coming? [View all]frazzled
(18,402 posts)Ignorance WON (along with the open embrace or willingness to overlook shocking bigotry, counterfactual thinking, utter incompetence, and snake oil). There is nothing wrong with our party. The ignorance is on the other side, as well as with those who equate losing the electoral college (while winning the popular vote by some 2.7 million informed voters) as a "cluster-f*ck of ignorance" on our side.
That said, to the extent that nobody and no institution is perfect, the Democratic Party of course has issues it can improve. But they are NOTHING compared with what is wrong with the other party, orI dare saythose who threaten to storm away in a hissy fit.
The contents of the post to which I reply is an example why I am sooooo sick of these armchair analyses and holier-than-thou critics. I'd be happy for them to leave the party and start a new one. Their constant criticism of the Democratic party, the current president, and our recent Democratic candidate is a huge part of the reason that Donald Trump is president. It's a cluster-f*ck of ignorance indeed.