2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: You can't win elections if you don't grow up and stop hating voters [View all]BainsBane
(55,179 posts)They were key to Clinton's platform. She developed substantive policies about them. How is it that you cared so little you never bothered to read them?
That's the problem with this mantra. We have people who never informed themselves about Clinton's positions lecturing everyone about how the party should change. Rather than informing yourselves, you shout at those who did.
Those voters are not poor. Their incomes are above the national mean. Clinton won the poor overwhelmingly. Trump won incomes over $75k.
She didn't go there for the same reason she didn't go to California or Oregon. Polls showed her winning, so she focused on swing states. Now the political savants who never said a word at the time are outraged that she didn't know the polling was wrong and campaign where she lost.
So what we have is Monday morning quarterbacking by people who never bothered to as much as read her policy positions. Given that, it's hard to believe the concern has anything to do with policy because people who actually care about issues take the time to inform themselves. Most voters, however, don't vote on issues. They vote according to cultural affinity. For many, that means they assume a qualified woman is dishonest and don't care enough to look further. Democracy is not possible with such a citizenry, which is why we are undergoing a rise of authoritarian fascism. When people only care about rhetoric and not what politicians do, they choose leaders who give them nothing but empty promises and lies. People on the left and right alike resent Clinton for failing to do that.
This country didn't deserve Clinton, her expansive policy positions and respect for voters intelligence. It deserved an incompetent, pathological liar and panderer like Trump. The fault lies with citizens because ultimately it is their responsibility to inform themselves. Instead, They got the liar they wanted.