above all else that is why we lose elections. The Media. There is a symptom of that corporate media, which is the way our side plays politics--trying to play nice with corporations and their propaganda arm, hoping to thread the line just expertly enough that we still kind of speak for the people, but at the same time don't invite the might of the corporate media and their campaign financing decisions to bury us.
And for all of that, they still prefer another. They always support the GOP over the democrats although they fund both sides, and they only like us as an alternative for the sake of maintaining an air of democracy. And after being entirely railroaded by the media in the GE, what do our politicians do? They pick the outsiders to blame. It was the fringe liberal media, or fake news. Yes, that last part was right at least. It was fake news. It just happens to go by the name of the main-steam media.
If democrats aren't willing to take up the mantle and actually go full populist, and say fuck you to the news media, they will continue to get so damn close and to lose, over and over, because the media doesn't care about election fraud, and it doesn't care about voter suppression, and it doesn't care about a dumbing down of our schools, or Russian influence on our elections, or our prison state, or people starving, or the water crisis in flint Michigan, or holding any motherfucker who actually should be held accountable, accountable for anything . And sadly, for whatever reasons, in all of its corporately funded manifestations, it continues to determine for the American public, what magnetic north is. It manufactures the narrative. Either we start fighting against this whole game, or we are screwed.