NPR: 4 US senators - Reed, Schumer (D), McCain, Graham (R) - call for election investigation [View all]
heard this last night. This is getting real!
"Sen. Jack Reed Wants To Examine Claims Of Russian Cyberattacks"
December 11, 20165:18 PM ET
Heard on All Things Considered
Democratic Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island was one of four senators to write a letter calling for a further look into the CIA's conclusion that Russia tried to help the election of Donald Trump.
This weekend, we're following news of President-elect Donald Trump's emerging Cabinet and the CIA's claim that Russia interfered in U.S. elections in favor of Donald Trump. Seven Democratic U.S. senators signed a letter yesterday saying they want some of this new information declassified. Donald Trump speaking to Fox News says he does not believe it and that Democrats are just trying to make excuses for their losses.
MARTIN: As of this morning, though, Democrats are not the only ones expressing concern. Two Republicans - John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina - joined New York Democrat and incoming Minority Leader Charles Schumer and Rhode Island's Jack Reed on a separate statement saying that the CIA's reports of Russian interference should be taken seriously.
Senator John McCain told CBS he was baffled by the president-elect's response. Senator McCain said he wants a special committee to investigate alleged Russian interference.
JOHN MCCAIN: It's going to require congressional involvement. It's going to require in-depth and - by the way, the Russians have interfered in a lot of other elections. The Russians have hacked into some of our most secret military information.
REED: Well, the intelligence community has done a careful assessment of the facts, and they have reached with a high sense of confidence a conclusion that there was penetration of both the Democratic organization and the Republican organization but that it appears that only information detrimental to the Democratic candidate was released, raising questions of, one, the motivation of the Russians - also questions of going forward, of the integrity of our campaign system not just in this past election but future elections.
So these are serious questions that have to be looked at closely. I'm very pleased that Chairman McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham recognize this and are taking a leadership role along with Senator Schumer. But this is a question of significant importance not just for the moment but for the future of the country and our democratic process.