Brooklyn man's website helps people contact Electoral College before Trump vote [View all]
Jeff Strabone, co-founder of New Brooklyn Theatre, associate professor of English at Connecticut College and past president of the Cobble Hill Association, said the site,, helps people send their own signed postal letters to the members of the Electoral College from states won by Donald Trump to ask them, respectfully, not to vote for Trump.
To use Strabone's website to send the letters, people need a computer, paper, envelopes and Avery Standard 5160 labels.
Users download the ready-to-print, customizable letter in Microsoft Word and a set of ready-to-print labels, add their name and address, sign, apply stamps and mail.
Ive also broken it down by state. Just download the states whose electors you care the most about and write to those. (May I suggest Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio?)"
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