No you are correct no laws or rules stopped me. But on DU, even the mildest of criticisms of Obama were met with a lot of pushback and dismissal and condescension. I know there's never going to be anything resembling consensus among any group, but the Democratic community seems to have been in a struggle for the past 8 years between people who believe in a core set of values and want to hold our elected officials to those values, regardless of both the letter after their name and also regardless of what other areas they may be "good" on and those who think we should applaud every move by every Dem. In other words, we aren't supposed to criticize Obama/Clinton/Whoever about their shitty policies on issue 1, because they've done good on issue 2.
My point being that I think we can all agree that almost all Republicans in this current climate and in this day and age are not to be trusted. So rather than raising a majority of a voice to protest or speak out against Obama choosing Comey as FBI director, we were told by a lot of people pulling from the other approach some variation or combination of "He's got this" or "He's being the adult in the room" or "This move is brilliant. It will pay dividends you just don't understand." or "Take a civics lesson" or whatever.
So maybe the correct way to phrase my post would have been "Maybe if we had been more of a unified, loyal opposition to many of Obama's more questionable moves and actions instead of just being asked by a sizable portion of Democrats to cheer louder for him, we'd be in a different boat right now."