I got it. Here's the solution how the Democrats can win back the white middle-class: [View all]
How could we have been so blind? It was obvious all along.
The Trump-voters didn't believe Trump when he promised that he would actually repeal Obamacare. And now they act all shocked. They voted for Trump, believing that he would "drain the swamp". And now they pretend that hiring Wall Street sharks is somehow a way to get rid off the Big Money-corruption.
The question we have heard over and over and over again was: How can the Democrats win back the white middle-class voters who flocked to Trump?
The answer is obvious:
These voters aren't rational. => You cannot use a rational argument to convince them.
You have to use irrational arguments.
Scream, holler, fabulize, lie, threaten, cajole, romance.
Appeal to their basest instincts, like fear of the stranger, fear of the other.
Give them a scapegoat they can hate and blame for all their troubles.
Reassure them that their opinion is the correct one, whatever the opinion may be.
Revel in the rejection of norms.
Embrace chaos, destruction and undoing as the path forward.
Be outrageous and interesting.
And don't you EVER dare to mention facts that would make these voters uncomfortable.
Yeah, it's cynical, but I can guarantee you 100% that this is the election-strategy to win over these kinds of voters. Trump is living proof for that.
You are welcome.