Don't let them divide us. Don't let them frame the fucking narrative. [View all]
Had *ANY* dem been the nominee, the outcome would have been the same...close, but no cigar.
It cannot be overstated that this election was tampered with.
When the house is being robbed you don't get to stop and whine about the leaky faucet. Or something else that isn't perfect. You don't have to produce hard core proof from your little corner on earth to prove that a coordinated effort was orchestrated by a foreign government and the KGB/GOP to rig an election.
When you walk into your home and it has been turned about, having people say, "Oh, we'll stop this from happening again...nevermind that guy down the street, Boris, who has your TV set. You can't prove that's your TV set. Do you have the receipt? Do you have any VIDEO, or any hard core poof that Boris stole your set?"
They are trying to split hairs. They want you to prove a negative. They want you to lick your wounds, and hone your message.
Keep fighting.
This is a coup. Fuck the motherfuckers who want to enable that shit.