And it has the posibilities of verging into Conspiracy Theory terroritory.
How is it constructive? How is it going to stop Trump? You can cry from the mountain-tops and get everyone to agree with you that it was a coup but there's no constitutional solution to a coup or rigged election that doesn't involve entities that are what you would consider cooperational with the "coupists".
You don't want to call this a coup. Because Coups aren't things you can win against. The number of times Coups have failed can be counted on one hand. Coups lead to violence - chaos - and the collapse of entire governments.
You want to change things? That means fighting on their terms. Not your own. Taking the gloves off.
If the game is rigged you have to learn to stack your own deck and fight battles where they can be won.
If Republicans are going to go after minority voters and purge them from voters rolls and implement cross-check and even worse things what is your strategy if you are unable to prevent that from occuring?
How many elections have Democrats lost due to voter suppression of minorities? How many do we need to lose to realize our strategy to deal with it is not working.
Under Herr Trump and the current situation nationwide it's going to work less than it did this election or in past elections.
You need to learn to adapt first and foremost. If you can't then it's going to be pointless the fascists will have already won.
The issues are bigger than you or anyone on this forum. They are bigger than the whole Democratic party in fact.
This election saw record turn out in a lot of places - with massive voter lines. Yet people keep going to a narrative that a certain percentage of people did not vote. That we just need to motivate them for.
Even if we motivate more people to vote - the infrastructure of our voting aparatus is not capable of handling that many more voters. And it's not going to get updated under republicans anytime soon. If anything percentage of people voting in next elections will go down in 2020. It is to their advantage to make sure that happens.
Being divided is the lesser of any future worries you should have.