2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Just for the sake of discussion what if Bernie was nominated? [View all]Hassin Bin Sober
(26,822 posts)All of that shit was spread around here.
All of it
Seriously, I've been following Sanders for ten plus years and I never "knew" any of that stuff - until we learned from Hillary supporters in the primaries.
Stole electricity
The no job until he was in his thirties
the Sandinistas
The nuclear waste
Voted for the crime bill he criticized HRC for
Universal health care failure in Vermont
Amber alert
Plus some real doozies extras: rape fantasy paper, Jane's golden parachute, Jane embezzled, Bernie is a gun nut, Bernie owes the Sandy Hook parents an apology, Bernie pushed his wife off the stage, Bernie *gasp* signed a "marriage is good" proclamation when he was Mayor, Bernie wasn't in that sit-in picture, Bernie was mean to BLM, Bernie was not tough enough with BLM, Bernie's move to Vermont because he didn't like black people, etc. etc. etc.
It's funny how Clinton supporters are claiming the Clinton campaign handled Bernie with kid gloves. Then post about the awful "opposition file" the repigs had on him...
... and it turns out it was all regurgitated here - ad nauseum.
Every. Single. Smear.
It's nice to here someone admit the Clinton campaign and their scumbag surrogate David Brock ran a republican smear campaign in the primary.